The Cadiz Community Arts Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit community arts center which serves as the umbrella organization for the Janice Mason Art Museum and Southern Kentucky Independent Theatre. We are not a collecting museum, but focus on bringing quality art, in all its forms, to the community.  Programming includes 8-10 exhibits each year by artists from around the local area, region, and the world representing a broad variety of media and genre.  We produce at least one theatrical offering per year, and offer classes and workshops in several disciplines.


Janice Mason Art Museum,
71 Main Street
P.O. Box 303, Cadiz, KY 42211
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Sunday 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.


Current ADA Construction

The Cadiz Arts Center has long held plans to create an accessible museum space for all or our members, friends, and visitors.  We have been fortunate to recently receive a Community Development Block Grant through the county, state, and federal government for the purpose of bringing our historic building into compliance.  We have hired the firms DLZ Engineering of Lexington, Ky, and Urban Fabric Architects of Murray, KY to design our new spaces.  Every effort has been made to retain our historic appearance.

Construction is expected to begin by the end of August or first of September 2020.  A new accessible entrance will be constructed on the left side of the museum with a ramp and a very interesting and attractive porch.  There will also be a new handicapped parking space on the corner of Scott and Main Streets.

The museum is also excited that entirely new accessible restrooms will be constructed.  The board of directors has decided that these restrooms are to serve the public and should be exceptional in quality.  Three small restrooms that are 1930s vintage and a lounge area are being demolished to make room for two very large restrooms and a spacious lounge area.

So we ask that you pardon our clutter and dust as we move toward a much improved museum experience for our community.  We expect construction to be completed by March 2021.  We will be sure to let you know when it is complete so that you can celebrate with us!

Future Expansion

The Cadiz Community Arts Center has hired Architect Jack Pyburn of Atlanta to draft conceptual plans for future construction of a combination movie theater and performance center. These plans include a 300-seat theater, outdoor sculpture garden, and enhanced accessibility features. We would enjoy working with you to make these dreams become a reality.