Get Involved
Southern Kentucky Independent Theatre (SKIT) and JMAM are subsidiaries of The Cadiz Community Arts Center which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit community arts center. SKIT is a volunteer community theater with no paid positions. We produce one or two plays each year and focus on including everyone who has an interest in the theater.
Janice Mason Art Museum,
71 Main Street
P.O. Box 303, Cadiz, KY 42211
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Sunday 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
As with any community theater there are dozens of jobs for which you may volunteer. If you have time constraints or are not comfortable in the spotlight or you have other talents then perhaps you will be interested in a behind-the-scenes job. The theater is a fun place to make friends and work toward a common goal.
If you are interested in set design and construction, scene painting, electricity and light tech, or perhaps you enjoy working with sound, designing and building costumes, or makeup, then the theater has a place for you! Contact us and let us know that you are interested, even if you are not certain which field would be your best fit. Frequently, our back stage crew have multiple interests.
SKIT holds open auditions for all its major productions. We generally plan a musical for the summer but occasionally our committee will select a straight play. At other times we stage minor productions such as Dining with the Dearly Departed in September or a mystery dinner theater event in the spring. These minor productions are most often cast without an audition from those who have expressed an interest. In both of these situations you will want to be certain to contact us and make certain we are aware of your interest.